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Book Reviews

Candor by Pam Bachorz

Candor by Pam Bachorz: YA Book ReviewCandor crop

Candor surprised me as I didn’t expect to like it. Brutal in its simplicity, this is a story full of evil and control that, as unlikely as it sounds, actually stems from genuine concern for others.

The messages fill my brain, like boulders sliding down a chute.

I was reminded of George Orwell’s 1984 where Big Brother is always watching. If Candor is a representative of the future we are in trouble.

3 Star

Recommended age: 12+

Title:  Candor
Author: Pam Bachorz
Publication Date: 14 December 2010Candor 1
(1st Published 2009)
Publisher: Egmont
Source: Library

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The-perfect new town of Candor, Florida, is attracting more and more new families, drawn by its postcard-like small-town feel, with white picket fences, spanking-new but old-fashioned-looking homes, and neighborliness.

But the parents are drawn by something else as well.  They know that in Candor their obstreperous teenagers will somehow become rewired – they’ll learn to respect their elders, to do their chores, and enjoy their homework.  They’ll give up the tattoos, metal music, and partying that have been driving their parents crazy.  They’ll become every parent’s dream. — Extract from Goodreads.com

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