Odd ramblings of an obsessed reader

Book Reviews

Dying to Know You by Aidan Chambers

Dying to Know You

Dying to Know You by Aidan ChambersDying to Know You Crop

Like an unexpected gift, Dying to Know You surprised me by its depth. I loved the originality of the adult POV (point of view) which works exceptionally well given that Karl, the main character, is dyslexic.

I wish that there were more books that cover this very real and extremely common form of learning disability with such sensitivity and respect.

A must-have for every school library.4 Star

Recommended age: 13+

Title: Dying to Know YouDying to Know You
Author: Aidan Chambers
Publication Date: 1 April 2012
Publisher: Amulet Books
Source: Library

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Karl, aged seventeen, is hopelessly in love. But the object of his affections, Firella, demands proof, and poses him a series of questions regarding his attitude to the many sides of love. But Karl is dyslexic, and convinced that if Firella finds out, she will think he is stupid, and unworthy of her, and leave him.

So Karl asks a local writer to help him construct his replies – and an unlikely, but extremely touching, friendship develops between the two men. They both come to learn a great deal about about life from a very different perspective, and when an act of violence shatters their calm, they find their respective appraisal of life shifting in profound ways.   — Extract from Goodreads.com

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