If Birds Fly Back by Carlie Sorosiak
What I liked
Interspersed throughout the book is an original and creative screenplay by Grace which describes her feelings brilliantly. These scenes are the highlights of the book and the story would be lost without them.
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with the wings.
What I didn’t like
The story is slow and the protagonists self-indulgent – while this is common in YA (young adult) characters – for an inexplicable reason it doesn’t work here.
And I don’t like who I am becoming.
Actually, none of the characters really work together, the best friends seem superficial and without chemistry, and any real substance I don’t buy the romance.
What took you so long? I have been waiting forever.
Title: If Birds Fly Back
Author: Carlie Sorosiak
Publication Date: 27 June 2017
Publisher: HarperTeen
Source: Review copy
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Linny has been fascinated by disappearances, ever since her sister Grace ran away in the middle of the night without saying goodbye.
Sebastian can tell you how many galaxies there are, and knows how much plutonium weighs. But the one thing he can’t figure out is the identity of his birth father.
They’ve never met, but Linny and Sebastian have one thing in common: an obsession with famous novelist and filmmaker Alvaro Herrera, who went missing three years ago and has just reappeared. As they learn more about the mystery of Alvaro, Linny and Sebastian uncover the answers they’ve been searching for. — Abstract from Goodreads.com
The fact that I received a free advanced copy of this book does not influence my policy to write an honest review.
Disclaimer: The quotes appear in my advanced review copy and may not appear in the final version.
Olivia @ The Candid Cover
I haven’t read this one, but I have also seen some mixed reviews for it. I am sorry that it didn’t wow you the way that you had hoped. When the pacing is slow like that, I can have a hard time enjoying any book.
Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight
Aw, boo! I have heard very mixed things about this one- some people seem to really like it, and some seem to really don’t. Sorry you fell into the latter camp. I am on the fence, but honestly, with so many books I am *dying* to read, I might just have to give this one a pass. Great review!
Sue @ Crushingcinders
It has had mixed reviews. I was so hoping to like it.