The Future of Us by Jay Asher
I have read several mediocre books just recently and this is one of them. I was expecting more from Jay Asher & Carolyn Mackler whose previous books I have enjoyed.
While I think the idea to use Facebook was quite clever, the whole seeing into the future has been done so many times before and this story did not contain enough originality to give it an edge.
Disappointing character development, where are the characters that we can engage with? I know I was supposed to be rooting for Emma and Jay to get together, but in all honestly I couldn’t care either way.
Recommended age 12+
The Future of Us
Author: Jay Asher & Carolyn Mackler
Publication Date: 5 January 2012
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Source: Purchased
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It’s 1996 and very few high school students have ever used the internet. Facebook will not be invented until several years in the future. Emma just got a computer and an America Online CD. She and her best friend Josh power it up and log on – and discover themselves on Facebook in 2011. Everybody wonders what they’ll be like fifteen years in the future. Josh and Emma are about to find out. –Extract from
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