Odd ramblings of an obsessed reader

Book Reviews

The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson

The Unexpected Everything on the beach

Unexpected EverythingThe Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson

The Unexpected Everything. There is nothing like sinking into thick Morgan Matson book on holiday. Her seemingly effortless writing is smooth and flowing and she gets right to the heart of her characters. I was sucked into the story and floated away for a few days wanting the book to never end – although 519 pages is a pretty hefty book, it was over too quickly.

And it had puppies, lots of them all over inside as well as on the cover. Talking about the cover – it is so happy and summery and fun. Although how is she going to hold an ice-cream cone and six dogs on leads? Maybe the ice-cream truck was just for show. Ice-cream should never be just for show. Especially not salted caramel ice-cream.

Back to the story… Relationships. That’s what was all about. Relationships with friends, family and romantic others. Especially nerdy book-loving author boyfriend material. But it was the focus on friendship that I really loved. I always wanted a big group of friends to do stuff with so it was nice to be part of one for a while.

Recommended age: 13+4 Star


Title: The Unexpected EverythingThe Unexpected Everything on the beach
Author: Morgan Matson
Publication Date: 3 May 2016
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Source: Purchased
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Andie had it all planned out.

When you are a politician’s daughter who’s pretty much raised yourself, you learn everything can be planned or spun, or both. Especially your future.

Important internship? Check.

Amazing friends? Check.

Guys? Check (as long as we’re talking no more than three weeks)

But that was before the scandal. Before having to be in the same house with her dad. Before walking an insane number of dogs. That was before Clark and those few months that might change her whole life.

Because here’s the thing – if everything’s planned out, you can never find the unexpected.   — Abstract from Goodreads.com


  1. I always wondered about the ice cream truck!!? The UK cover has her sitting on a park bench with all the dogs which makes much more sense hahahah. STILL! So glad you liked this one too. 😀 I’m not the hugest contemporary fan, but this was so fun and cute AND PUPPIES ARE THE BEST.

  2. That cover looks amazing! I love books about all kinds of relationships so this sounds awesome 🙂

  3. I loved this one – even though a little long. I thought the friendship were done well and realistically and loved the nerdy boy. Great review!!

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