Odd ramblings of an obsessed reader

Book Related Thoughts

Why I’d Choose THAT Book: The Science of Book Appeal

The science of book appeal

Why I'd choose that book


Why I’d Choose that Book: The science of book appeal. Actually, there is nothing scientific about it at all. It’s more like a gut-feel. Which is not always right. But I am sticking with my reasons because as weird as they might seem, they are mine.


Science of book appeal

Insta cover-love

I am pretty fussy when it comes to covers and it means everything in my judgment a book’s worthiness.Bonus points for originality and featuring real people – even if it’s just a hand or the top of a head.


Science of book appeal

The author

There are a few authors that I auto-buy. This sometimes backfires It’s foolproof.


Science of book appeal


From a very short list of trusty people- like these bloggers.


Goodreads Ratings

Yip, I live for those little red stars.


Science of book appeal


If it’s one of these I am in hot pursuit.






Especially psychological thrillers

Science of book appeal






But they have to be World War II.






Especially if they include these non-random themes – death (I like them dark), depression, road trips, ballet, brothers and/or sisters






Preferably dark magic, faerie, elves and dragons (But I am fussy with fantasies and I’ll reject any of these with an ugly cover.)


Science of book appeal

YA vs Adult

I choose YA over adult most of the time for reasons highlighted here.


Top Ten Tuesday


Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish at http://www.brokeandbookish.com/p/top-ten-tuesday-other-features.html



  1. Annemieke

    Yup. I don’t like insta love but I go for the insta cover love all the time. Haha. 😀

  2. chucklesthescot

    I don’t generally look at Goodreads ratings but I do look at the reviews to see if there are tropes I hate and stuff like that, so I can make better choices. Yep there are a few authors I seem to auto-buy if they stay in those genres I like! A good cover also helps to seal the deal but I do have some great books with dreadful covers which is a pain! Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

  3. Mareli Thalwitzer

    Love your non-random themes! Yea for ballet!

  4. Lori

    Covers are pretty important to me too! Recommendations take up a big chunk of my reading too. Great list!

  5. Zoe @ Stories on Stage

    I completely agree! A lot of what I read has to do with recommendations from other bloggers and Goodreads reviews, as well as the genre and synopsis. Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous post! <3

  6. jessicabookworm

    Sue, I also have some author’s who’s books I will auto-buy, including: Susanna Kearsley and Terry Pratchett. Whatever they’ve written I’m pretty sure I am going to love it 🙂

  7. Cait @ Paper Fury

    Eeep, I love your list! I’m with you for SO many of these. Fantasy is basically my life. ? And I always choose YA too hehe. Although lately I’ve read quite a lot more adult books and I’m proud of myself. ?

  8. Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog

    I agree with covers, certain authors and trusted bloggers can all get me to pick up a book. I agree certain genres are my go to ones. Great list!

  9. Kimberly Sabatini

    You are for sure one of my trusted book recommenders <3

  10. Cassie @ Rants and Raves of a Bibliophile

    Oh, I love your listing set up. I judge a book by its cover too, lol.

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