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Book Reviews

Boys Girls and Other Hazardous Materials – YA Book Review    

Boys Girls and Other Hazardous Materials

Boys Girls and Other Hazardous Materials cropBoys Girls and Other Hazardous Materials explores the underground world of hazing (initiation) that unfortunately still exists in schools around the world.

Despite the brave topic, which exposes bullying for the cowardly action which it is, this book lacks the spark needed to make it remarkable. Its saving grace are the refreshing editorials written for the school magazine that stand out in contrast to the rest of the story.3 Star

Recommended age: 13+

Title: Boys, Girls and Other Hazardous MaterialsBoys Girls and Other Hazardous Materials
Author: Rosalind Wiseman
Publication Date: 6 January 2011 (1st published in 2010)
Publisher: Speak
Source: Purchased

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Looking for a new beginning after a terrible mean girl past, Charlie Healey realizes there’s no escaping high school drama…

Charlie Healey thinks Harmony Falls is the beginning of a whole new life. Middle school was brutal. But high school is Charlie’s big chance to start over and stay out of drama, except that on her first day she runs into Will, her ex-best friend, who had moved away. Now a varsity athlete and hotter than Charlie remembered, Will hangs with the crowd running the school. But Charlie doesn’t understand their power until an innocent delivery guy falls victim to a near-deadly hazing prank.

Torn between doing what’s right and her secret feelings for Will, Charlie must decide whether to turn in her very best friend or live with the guilt of knowing what he did.       — Extract from Goodreads.com

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